Title: Safe Communities, North Precinct Conversation
Location: North Seattle Community College, Cafeteria
Description: The Safe Communities Initiative is modeled on the Youth and Families Initiative and will follow a similar path.
The goal of the initiative is to bringing residents, police officers and City departments together to have a candid
conversation about the specific things that communities need to improve safety. The community’s priorities will
serve as a guide for how the City, SPD, and the neighborhoods will move forward in this effort. This process
seeks to address chronic neighborhood issues and concerns that will require the coordinated effmts across City
depa1tments (SPD, Parks, SDOT, Neighborhood groups, schools, etc.) to understand, address, and resolve.
Start Time: 19:00
Date: 2012-10-10
End Time: 21:00
Safe Communities, North Precinct Conversation, Wednesday, 10 October 2012, 7-9 pm
– Posted on 5 October 2012Posted in: Past Events